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Spitfires take off as 1 displays display Duxford Battle of Britain Air Show 23sep18 521p
aviation 13 Spitfires land Duxford Battle of Britain Air Show 24Sep17 5p
Single Spitfire display Duxford Battle Of Britain 2018 Air Show 22sep18 140p
Lots of Spitfires & pretty sky Duxford Battle of Britain Air Show 23sep18 536p
Buchon aka ME109 nazi planes & explosions display Duxford Battle of Britain air show 23sep18
1 Spitfire displays Duxford Air Show Battle of Britain 75th Anniversary 20Sep15 441p
2x Gnat jet display Duxford Battle of Britain Air Show 23sep18 418p
Korean Flight P 51 Mustangs display Duxford Battle Of Britain 2018 Air Show 22sep18 346p
Spitfire T.1X PV202 H5R aerial Photo shoot out of Duxford seen Earthworks 15sep19 415p
Duxford Battle of Britain Air show Spitfires chase Nazi Buchons tribute to Movie 21sep19 12
Duxford Spitfire
Vampires & Jet provost display Duxford Battle Of Britain 2018 Air Show 22sep18 148p